My Patching job is failing.


I am using SSM Quick Setup, Same configuration works for other OS than AMAZON_LINUX_2023, When using AMAZON_LINUX_2023, the installation fails with the following error

Caused By: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance operation: Operating System of Baseline Override was AMAZON_LINUX_2, expected AMAZON_LINUX_2023

asked a year ago222 views
2 Answers

AWS already aware of this issue and the fixes for the same has triggered for deployment. It will soon update in all the regions. As of now it is updated in ca-central-1 and reaching all the regions.

It may take up to 2 weeks to reach in all the regions. As of now you may use patch now option meanwhile to patch amazon linux 2023 and as soon it is deployed on your region you may start using patch policy to automate patching expected time is up to 2 weeks it may take less or more time.

answered a year ago

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