AWS EC2 instance public ipv4 and DNS address not working


Hello, I have created an EC2 instance in which I have attached the default VPC and default security group (In the security group, I have added an inbound rule for all traffic also), but I don't know why public ipv4 and DNS are not opening, it shows the site can't be reached! and when I clicked on Actions-> Monitor and troubleshoot -> Get instance screenshot -: In that, it displays my private IP address, and login (check below image). Can someone guide me to where I am doing wrong?

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asked 2 years ago3286 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Few things to check:

  • The route table that's associated with your instance’s subnet has a default route ( pointing to an IGW (internet gateway)
  • The internet gateway thats associated with the route isn't deleted.
  • The internet gateway is attached to the VPC
  • The security group that's attached to the instance’s elastic network interface has the required rules to allow access
  • The network access control list (network ACL) that is associated with the instance's subnet has rules allowing both outbound and inbound traffic to the internet.

On a side note - Is there a reason you want to use the default VPC? I'd highly encourage to move away from default VPC as it's not recommended and is a bad practice to use mainly for security reasons.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Hello, I have created my own VPC with one subnet and created Internet Gateway and attach VPC to it. After creating, Internet Gateway I created Route table and in that, I have added subnet in subnet association, also add with internet gateway in edit routes. In Network ACLs, there are two inbound rules and two outbound rules that is default. After that, I created EC2 instance and selected that VPC and created new security group with HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, RDP all ports are opened. But when I copied Public IPv4 address and opened in browser it display's site can't be reached.


Is it possible that you added a private subnet to the default VPC and created the EC2 machine in your private subnet?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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