system log empty for bitnami wordpress AMI installation


my system log is empty. there should be some words and the password in there. I have installed this before and successfully saw the log and gotten the password. but this time it's just completely empty.

asked 25 days ago27 views
2 Answers


Is it possible to connect to EC2 with SSH?
If possible, you can check the password by checking the file "bitnami_credentials" in the home directory of the "bitnami" user.
The following document describes Lightsail rather than EC2, but the directory structure of bitnami is similar, so I think you can use the "cat" command below.

cat /home/bitnami/bitnami_credentials
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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

The issue you're experiencing with an empty system log for your Bitnami WordPress AMI installation is unusual, as typically there should be information and credentials visible. However, this could be due to a few reasons:

  1. Security measures: Recent versions of Bitnami WordPress AMIs may have changed how they handle sensitive information like passwords. Instead of displaying them in system logs, they might be stored in specific files in the home directory.

  2. Log rotation or clearing: It's possible that the logs have been rotated or cleared, which could explain why you're not seeing the expected information.

  3. Permissions issue: There might be a permissions problem preventing you from accessing the log contents.

To address this, you can try the following:

  1. Check for credential files: Look in your home directory for files named 'bitnami_application_password' and 'bitnami_credentials'. These files often contain the WordPress admin password and other important information.

  2. Use the journalctl command: If you're using a newer version of Amazon Linux or a system that uses systemd, try using the 'journalctl' command to view system logs.

  3. Check other log locations: Look in the /var/log directory for other relevant log files like cloud-init-output.log or cloud-init.log, which might contain the information you're seeking.

  4. Verify instance launch: Ensure that your instance has fully completed its launch and initialization process.

If you still can't locate the password or system log information, you may need to reset your WordPress admin password manually or contact Bitnami support for further assistance with their AMI.
Unable to locatate syslog and messages in /var/log/ | AWS re:Post
Community | Securing Wordpress on Lightsail: Hardening Wordpress
Automatically configured logs - AMS Advanced User Guide

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

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