Trouble in transferring call through quick connection.


Our agents are unable to transfer a clients call to another agent. When they try to transfer the call using the quick connection feature everything starts normally but, the transfer never gets done, leaving the client on hold.

I have tried to check the cloudwatch looking for some error, but it does not record the transfer process, which makes me think that it does not enter the transfer flow at all.

The chat and task transfers work normally and the cloudwatch registers them correctly. The call transfer is the only one that is causing us problems.

asked 2 years ago345 views
2 Answers

Take this one part at a time. Sounds like the agent can see the QC to agent. What contact flow is associated with that QC? What does that flow look like, post a picture.

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answered 2 years ago

We have tested with the Transfer to agent (beta) block, and directly with the "Set working queue" and "Transfer to queue" blocks, and saw no results. Directly it does not show any record in CloudWatch. The chat and task transfers work correctly, the only detail we are suffering is in the call transfers, in which, it does not even play the text "Transferring..." to the agent, instead, we hear a short beep, the internal transfer is canceled and the call is put on hold.

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answered 2 years ago

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