How can I know what my NAT Gateway consumption is?


Hello - I am new to AWS and have just signed up to try out my data science MVP product. I only enabled a few services like S3, Databricks, Sagemaker, and so on. Currently, I am not running anything but I still have some costs under EUC1-NatGateway-Hours. How can I know what is causing this cost? I am not doing anything but still need to pay every day it keeps increasing. Can someone please let me know?

Also do I need NAT gateway? If not how can I disable it?

Thank you

2 Answers

To understand your NAT Gateway consumption and costs, you can use AWS Cost Explorer. Here's how:

  1. Go to AWS Cost Explorer
  2. Set the dimension to "Usage Type"
  3. Select "EC2-Other" as the service
  4. Apply a filter for Usage Type and select "NatGateway-Hours (Hrs)" and "NatGateway-Bytes (GB)"

This will show you the usage and associated costs for your NAT Gateways.

Regarding your NAT Gateway costs, it's important to note that you are charged for each hour that your NAT Gateway is available, even if you're not actively using it. This explains why you're seeing costs accumulate daily even without active usage.

As for whether you need a NAT Gateway, it depends on your specific use case. NAT Gateways are typically used to allow resources in private subnets to access the internet. If you're not using private subnets or don't need this functionality, you may not need a NAT Gateway.

If you determine that you don't need the NAT Gateway, you can disable it by deleting it from your VPC console. However, be cautious as this might affect the connectivity of resources in your private subnets if you have any.

Before disabling, ensure that you're not using any services that require internet access from private subnets. If you're unsure, it's best to consult with someone familiar with your AWS architecture or AWS support to avoid disrupting your services.

If you find that you don't need the complex networking setup that includes NAT Gateways, you might consider running your functions in the Amazon-provided VPC, which is often the default configuration. This could help you avoid costs related to running your own VPC and NAT Gateway.

Remember, while NAT Gateways can be expensive, they serve an important purpose in many architectures. Always evaluate your specific needs before making changes to your network configuration.

Billings: how to calculate real NATGateway costs!? | AWS re:Post
NAT Gateway TOO expensive | AWS re:Post

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answered 18 days ago
reviewed 17 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago

Hi Antminds,

I'd like to second the re:Post Agent's answer on how to see your NAT Gateway charges in Cost Explorer along with how you will be charged the number of hours the NAT Gateway is provisioned and the amount of data processed.

If you are using Databricks and need to access S3 within your account, I'd like to point out you can do this via the S3 gateway endpoint. This will reduce your NAT Gateway processing charges as the data will now be directed privately within your AWS account. S3 gateway endpoints can be provisioned and used at no cost. Refer to the Databricks blog on setting up the endpoint and using it with Databricks.

The NAT Gateway may still be required for outbound connection from a private subnet for some tasks but this will help you reduce the data processing charges associated with your workload.

Hope this helps.

answered 15 days ago

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