Emails aren't delivered (Transient bounce) with 550 Rejected by header based Anti-Spoofing policy



I tried to setup emails sending for my environment. I have my domain name (let it be <my_domain>.com) registered in AWS Route 53. I have verified domain and email address noreply@<my_domain>.com in SES Identities.

I have tried to send emails to different email addresses. Most of them are delivered successfully, but all emails to addresses on my domain @<my_domain>.com have never arived. From Virtual Deliveratility Manager I can see that diagnostice code is - smtp; 550 Rejected by header based Anti-Spoofing policy: noreply@<my_domain>.com.

I have added SPF rule for my domain record to include as allowed domain (because initally I have not used custom MAIL FROM), but unfortunatelly it didn't help.

Than I have tried to add custom MAIL FROM. I have added subdomain - notifications.<my_domain>.com . But recipients with @<my_domain>.com email addresses still doesn't receive email with the same diagnostic code.

Could someone please help me with this? Did I miss some configuration?

1 Answer

Your email server is configured to send mail for @<my_domain>.com, so it thinks the SES emails are spoofed.

In addition to the SPF record you created, DKIM and DMARC records will help with email authentication.

DKIM records are specially formatted DNS TXT records that store the public key the receiving mail server will use to verify a message's signature. Your email provider can often make DKIM records available to you.

Some inbox providers, such as Google and Yahoo, require DMARC, DKIM, and SPF to be fully set up on any domain sending bulk emails to their users. If you don't meet these requirements, emails from your domain may be bounced.

Take a look at the Amazon SES documentation for email authentication methods. That might help you identify the problem.

If you can share who your email provider is, I might be able to provide more information.

profile pictureAWS
Tracy H
answered 19 days ago

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