Workspace stuck in unhealthy state even after multiple restarts


It looks like my Workspace is stuck on the unhealthy state and I'm unable go connect to it via any of the clients. I've also tried rebooting multiple times with no luck.

I would prefer not to rebuild my Workspace as I've spent alot of time installing / configuring my applications.
Please help :)

Edited by: Fahmad91 on Jul 17, 2019 5:17 AM

asked 5 years ago874 views
1 Answer

I was able to resolve this by creating a new workspace within the same vpc and RDPing into the problem workspace. (Note: I had to open the RDP ports first).

Once in, I was able to fix the application that was preventing the connection issue. Rebooted, and everything seems to be fixed :)

answered 5 years ago

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