How to check call progress in simple outbound call flow in Amazon Connect?


I have an outbound contact flow in which we want to check the call progress. There is an block in contact flow "Check Call Progress", the issue is that this block is only available for the outbound campaigns not for simple outbound calls. We want to have same option or similar workaround for simple outbound calls. Kindly guide me if we can implement same block in simple outbound calls..

asked 2 years ago948 views
1 Answer


This is Tom from AWS Support.

For the Contact Flow Block of "Check Call Progress" [1], it is true that the block can only be set on Campaigns. At this moment, unfortunately, there is no similar block for simple outbound calls.

An alternative workaround would be to use Flow Block "Set recording and analytics behavior" [2] so that Contact Lens can reveal transcript after a call completed [3][4]. From there, either a custom-build automated solution or human verification (i.e. managers) can help and validate if the call is answered and whether answered by answering machines.

I hope the above information helps.

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answered 2 years ago

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