Can SMS message be sent via SNS using a REST API endpoint (HTTP)?


We use a number of AWS services in our web application (mail, db, etc). We want to add SMS messaging, but it seems like the SNS service can only be called using the Amazon SDK for specific languages. We don't want to build the SDK into our web app just for this one function. Is there a way to send SMS messages in AWS by calling a REST endpoint (e.g. HTTP invocation)?

asked a year ago1.1K views
1 Answer

If I understood your question correctly, you want to know if you can send a message to SNS through it's API directly, without using any SDK, right ? Then you would have SNS itself to send the SMS to the mobile phone.

If that's the case then yes. It's completly possible to send messagens to an SNS topic directly through a REST API.

Here you can find the complete SNS API Reference Guide:

Check here for documentation and best practices on using SNS to send SMS messages.

Hope this helps you.

answered a year ago

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