502 bad gateway error


We have EC2 server and RDS with Mysql. We configured db.t3.medium with 2 CPU and 4gb Ram We are encountering with a problem status saying 502 Bad Gateway around 2-3 times in a week, where can I find the exact reason for the same. (Php is our development code and mysql is database)

1 Answer

Check the application log for error or warning logs in the vicinity of the 502 error.
Also, is there a heavy load or a large number of accesses to EC2 or RDS during the time period when the 502 error occurred?

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answered 2 years ago
  • looks like during the heavy load,but cpu utilization is only 25%,database connection also less than 10

  • What applications are you running on EC2? Please also provide information about the web server you are using and other information.

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