How to reset MFA for user


Hi I have a user in our Users console who seems to have MFA set up whenever he logs in. He does not have access to that MFA device any more. But when I use my root credentials to look at the user, it does not show that MFA is set up for him. I am not sure how to clear his MFA and let him log in via password only, or how to remove any existing MFA device and add a new one.

1 Answer


I assume this is for an IAM user. Please refer to the steps under the section "Recovering an IAM user MFA device" under this page, you should be able to find step by step instructions.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Hi I thought that would work, but it still prompts for an MFA when the user signs in. Even though the console shows that the user has no MFA. It's very strange and I don't know how to reset the user to add a new password / set up a new MFA.

  • Hi, I have tried to simulate your problem in my sandbox. When I remove the MFA device for an IAM user, it doesn't prompt me to enter the MFA code after the password - so, it works as expected.

    I suspect it could also be some local caching issue, please try to use another browser and/or in-cognito mode for the IAM user login. As a workaround, if allowed, you can also consider creating a fresh IAM username with MFA.

    If the problem persists, please contact AWS Support since it appears to be a one-off case.

    Thanks, Rama

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