Does Quicksight directly support Opensearch Serverless?


I'm attempting to connect an AWS Opensearch Serverless collection to Quicksight in the Frankfurt Europe Region. Opensearch Serverless is configured to a VPC. Quicksight also has a configured VPC connection. The available Dataset types include AWS Opensearch, but not Opensearch Serverless specifically. The Add Dataset for Openseearch dialogue allows selection of my VPC connection, but doesn't populate my Opensearch Serverless collection in the 'domain' field. There's no collection field. I can't type the collection into the Domain field and have it accept the input.

I'm wondering if it's only the regular provisioned version of Opensearch that's supported. Or perhaps I have a permissions problem. Before embarking on IAM debugging, I wanted to confirm the services are compatible in the first place.

Can anyone confirm?

Thanks, Colin

asked a year ago423 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello ,from internal testing, it seems QuickSight is currently not supporting Opensearch serverless collection. I see there is a corresponding internal support ticket as well logged for this request. We will initiate a process to file a Feature Request with the QuickSight service team. Additionally, we will work to get the documentation updated for this integration in case it needs any specific setup or configurations to be updated.Any announcements should be available on the following posts

answered a year ago

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