AWS Glue error when connecting AWS services


I’m getting an error from my glue job (see error below). I’m using kinesis to stream data to amazon redshift, and doing some transformations with Glue using the visual ETL. As data sources, I’m using amazon kinesis and glue data catalog tables. Error Category: UNCLASSIFIED_ERROR; StreamingQueryException: Query [id = XXXX, runId = XXXX] terminated with exception: Error while List shards

I’m not using crawlers since the schema is already defined prior to the job. What is the error?

asked 2 months ago159 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Anushka, Thank you very much for your question. The error you are obtaining typically occurs when the AWS Glue job is unable to list the shards in the Amazon Kinesis Data Stream. This could be due to several reasons, such as insufficient permissions, incorrect stream name, or issues with the Kinesis Data Stream itself. In order to resolve the issue, here are some steps you can check:

If these resources do not help troubleshoot your issue, make sure to check the error logs you are obtaining. You can do so by for example, checking the CloudWatch logs for your AWS Glue job. The logs may provide additional information about the error and help identify the root cause. If the issue persists after following these steps, you may need to contact AWS Support for further assistance.

answered 2 months ago

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