help! i delete causing ec2 can not ssh


I delete, which sudo/ssh depended, causing my ec2 machine can not login, how can i recover from this suitcation?

1 Answer
  1. Stop the broken instance
  2. Detach the root volume from the broken instance
  3. Boot up a new instance that you can log in to
  4. Attach volume from broken instance to the new instance
  5. Mount the volume at the OS level
  6. Reinstall the missing library
  7. Detach volume from new instance
  8. Attach fixed volume back the broken instance
  9. Boot up instance.
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • it work! thank you so much, it save my job.

  • let's tell more about details to help guys with the same problem.

    1. When meet "wrong type" while mount volumns, we can use the following command line. mount -t xfs -o nouuid /dev/nvme2n1p2

    2. the aws attach page tell you it will mount at /dev/sda, actually you can't find it in ec2. the attach volumns real dev name in instance is show bying the cml: lsblk -f. The dev without mount path is the new volumn we found.

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