Need Help! The certificate validation email I usually receive to renew certificate is not being received via email. How do I request this be fixed?


I have received emails when a certificate renewal is required in the past. However, this time I have received notification that my cert needs renewal and is pending but I have not received the validation email. I have requested a resend of the validation email many times through my ASW Certificate manager but the email is never received. I have checked junk, quarantine and all of the usual items on my side to ensure the issues isn't with my end. I have even gone to the length of changing the email with in my domain registrar to see if I receive it to another email but that is not working either. How do I get this to work before my certificate expires?

asked 2 years ago455 views
1 Answer


When you request a certificate from ACM and choose email validation, domain validation email is sent to three contact addresses specified in WHOIS and five common administrative addresses. For more information, see Email validation. If you are experiencing problems receiving validation email, review the suggestions that follow.

Here are all troubleshooting steps for managed renewal -

answered 2 years ago

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