Cannot access Rds Aurora MySql after admin password change


Hello I've changed the admin master password on a Aurora Mysql cluster, and then the message 'There are 3 users matching the master username; only resetting the the one not tied to a specific host' appears in the Logs & Events section. And I cannot login to instance..

I cannot find a clear answer in the docs and Knowledge forum. Thanks

2 Answers

Hi Fernando,

Please go through with the below documentation link and steps it will be helpful for you to resolve your issue.

Verify Password: Double-check the new admin password for correctness.

User Permissions: Ensure the admin username has the necessary permission.

Review Logs: Check the Logs & Events section in the AWS Management Console for any error messages or events related to the password change.

Reset Password: If necessary, reset the admin password again following AWS guidelines

answered 4 months ago

In MySQL account names consist of a user name and a host name, this enables creation of distinct accounts for users with the same user name who connect from different hosts.


There are 3 users matching the master username; only resetting the the one not tied to a specific host

Above message means that you have 3 users with same name as your master-user but their host is different, When you reset master user password only the account with host "%" resets.

if you still have access the database using any other user please check the hosts you have configured for other 2 accounts with username same as master user from mysql.user table, if possible drop those accounts.

if you do not have access to the database using any other user, please try to access the database using master user credentials from a host that you have not configured for other two users.

Hope this helps!

answered 3 months ago

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