EMR Studio Workspace Cannot Create Cluster


Hi Im in an EMR Workspace notebook and tried to select clusters on left and Advanced and Create Cluster. I get an error Unable to create cluster. Invalid InstanceProfile: EMR_EC2_DefaultRole. The only docs I can find say this role is depricated. How can I create a cluster from the EMR Studio Workspace ?

asked 9 months ago405 views
2 Answers


There could be the reason that EMR_EC2_DefaultRole might have been modified or deleted which would not allow to create the EMR cluster through Studio. To solve it, you need to create "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole" role by following the guidelines in this AWS documentation.

Below are the steps to achieve this result:

1- In AWS IAM console, under "Roles", click on "Create role" button.

2- Under "Use cases for other AWS services", choose "EMR" and select EMR Role for EC2 then click on next.

3- The "AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role" policy will be automatically attached to your role. Click on next.

4- Under "Role name", enter "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole" and click on "Create role".

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

What helped in my case was calling aws emr create-default-roles from the command line. This will create the three roles "EMR_DefaultRole", "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole" and "EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole" in your AWS environment.

answered 9 months ago

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