Redshift auto copy job is not working


Hello AWS Community,

I have been using auto copy job integration for my AWS setup, and it was functioning perfectly for the first 7 days. However, after this period, it suddenly stopped working. I have a total of 7 auto copy jobs configured, and none of them are functioning right now.

I would appreciate any guidance or troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue

asked 3 months ago142 views
1 Answer

I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your Redshift auto copy jobs. Let's go through some troubleshooting steps to help identify and resolve the problem:

  1. Check the status of your auto copy jobs: Query the SYS_COPY_JOB_DETAIL system table to view the status of your Amazon S3 files. This will show if they have been loaded, are pending ingestion, or if there are any errors.

  2. Look for errors or unexpected wait times: Consult the STL_ERROR or SYS_COPY_JOB_INFO system tables. These may reveal credential errors or other issues that suggest the integration has become inactive.

  3. Verify your IAM role permissions: Ensure that the IAM role specified in your COPY command has the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket and perform the required actions. The role should have access to the S3 bucket, CloudWatch log groups, and log streams.

  4. Check your S3 bucket and files: Confirm that new files are being added to the correct S3 prefix and that they meet the expected format for ingestion.

  5. Verify your cluster or workgroup status: If you're using Amazon Redshift Serverless, make sure your workgroup is active. For provisioned clusters, ensure the cluster is running and not paused, as COPY jobs don't run when the cluster is paused.

  6. Review your network configuration: If your Redshift cluster or workgroup is in a VPC, verify that it allows access from the necessary Firehose IP addresses.

  7. Check for any recent changes: Consider any modifications made to your setup around the time the jobs stopped working, such as changes to IAM roles, S3 bucket policies, or network configurations.

If you're still unable to resolve the issue after going through these steps, you may want to review the CloudWatch logs for more detailed error messages. If you have AWS Premium Support, consider opening a technical support case for further assistance.

Remember, auto copy jobs are designed to only ingest files created after the job's creation timestamp, so ensure new files are being added to your S3 bucket regularly.

Troubleshooting Amazon Redshift - Amazon Data Firehose
Troubleshooting S3 event integration and COPY JOB errors - Amazon Redshift
COPY JOB - Amazon Redshift

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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