Creating a new instance from a snapshot doesn't give the correct CPU


Hi there, I'm creating a new instance on Lightsail to upgrade a voip system.

  1. I stopped the instance.
  2. Created a new snapshot.
  3. Created a new instance from the snapshot.
  4. Made sure I selected the correct new size that has : 2 GB Memory, 2 vCPUs Processing, 60 GB SSD Storage, 1.5 TB Transfer.

BUT when check the new instance, it keeps showing the show CPU: 2 GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 60 GB SSD.

In order to upgrade the voip system, I do need the 2 vCPUs. Anyone able to help with this?

asked a month ago74 views
3 Answers

I apologize for the confusion you're experiencing with your Lightsail instance upgrade. Based on the information provided, it seems there might be a misunderstanding about the instance specifications or a potential issue with the instance creation process.

When creating a new instance from a snapshot in Amazon Lightsail, you can only create an instance that is the same size or larger than the original instance. It's not possible to create a smaller instance from a snapshot.

If you're seeing 1 vCPU instead of the expected 2 vCPUs, there are a few possibilities to consider:

  1. Double-check the bundle you selected during the new instance creation. Make sure you chose the correct plan that offers 2 vCPUs.

  2. Verify that the original instance wasn't already using the 2 vCPU plan. If it was, you wouldn't be able to select a smaller plan when creating the new instance.

  3. There might be a display issue in the Lightsail console. You could try to SSH into the instance and use a command like 'lscpu' or 'nproc' to check the actual number of CPUs available to the instance.

If you've confirmed that you selected the correct bundle with 2 vCPUs and are still seeing 1 vCPU, I recommend contacting AWS Support for further assistance. They can help investigate why the new instance isn't showing the expected CPU configuration.

Remember, when upgrading an instance using snapshots, always ensure you're selecting a bundle that meets or exceeds your requirements. If you need to make changes after creating the new instance, you may need to repeat the process with a new snapshot and instance creation.
Create Lightsail instances from snapshots - Amazon Lightsail
Back up Linux/Unix Lightsail instances with snapshots - Amazon Lightsail
Upsize a Lightsail instance, storage, or database from snapshots - Amazon Lightsail
Troubleshoot high CPU utilization for your Lightsail instance - Amazon Lightsail

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago


It is possible that there is a bug in the Lightsail console, so I recommend contacting AWS Support using the URL below.
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

By the way, will I get the same result if I restore from AWS CLI?
I hope the steps in the document below will be helpful.

aws lightsail create-instances-from-snapshot --instance-names MyNewInstanceFromSnapshot --availability-zone us-east-1a --instance-snapshot-name WordPress-512MB-EXAMPLE-system-1234567891011 --bundle-id small_3_0

AWS CLI can be executed from CloudShell.

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answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago


You should now be able to create an instance with 2vCPUs from the snapshot if you try again.

answered a month ago

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