CodeCatalyst Workflows


I want to create separate workflows for dev and main branch. How do I do this so that I only have one workflow in each branch instead of two.

Having two in each branch would mean that one will always be inactive.

I have tried to use git ignore but this removes the workflows entirely from the repository and gets readded to the repository when I recreate them from the codecatalyst ui.

asked 10 months ago259 views
3 Answers

It's correct that, if you want to have different workflows per branch, one workflow will be inactive in each branch. Would you prefer to be able to hide inactive workflows in the future?

answered 10 months ago
  • Hide inactive would be good. Also maybe a global setting to only use workflows for a named list of branches. My environment can have a lot of branches which makes the workflows dashboards horrible.


The BranchName workflow source variable will reference the current branch, though I can't think of a way to trigger workflows based on that. Let us know if this helps!

answered 9 months ago
  • Thanks this is a good step. I Will try it out.


yeah. It will be so much cleaner on the dashboard.

Also is there a way to reference the current branch in the yml config file? In GH-Actions you could do something like github.ref. This way we could have conditional triggers based on current branch

answered 10 months ago

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