I am receiving emails "Amazon SES Email Receipt Nofication" yet I have no SES service, how to stop it?


I have domail hosted in AWS and I am getting frequent "Amazon SES Email Receipt Nofication" for emails that were once existing for this domain, when it was at different service provider. However, I have no SES, so why I am getting it?

How can I get rid of those emails?

Looking at S3 I have I can see AMAZON_SES_SETUP_NOTIFICATION file which reads: " You received this message because you attempted to set up Amazon SES to deliver emails to this S3 bucket.

Please note that the rule that you configured to deliver emails to this S3 bucket is only valid if the entire setup process is successful. For more information about setting up email-receiving rules, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/Welcome.html .

Thank you for using Amazon SES!

The Amazon SES Team


Thank you!

asked a year ago455 views
1 Answer


Please open a case with Premium Support. Using your account ID, they will be able to inspect if there is any active sending access for you in any region. Alternatively, you can check your SES console in all of the regions to make sure that there are no verified identities in there, which eventually means that you are not using SES. After that, you should be checking your SNS topics in the various regions to make sure that there is no topic that uses the S3 bucket as a destination.

By the way, SES receiving is enabled only in 3 regions. For more about that, please check this link. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/ses.html#:~:text=Email%20Receiving%20Endpoints

Hope this helps. Thanks! Mo

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answered a year ago

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