SES bounces emails sent to a specific user but does not provide details on why


We use SES to send emails to our users

For one particular user, we get a hard bounce with the body of the email "An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients:"

We can send emails to this address without issues via gmail or O365.

I need more information as to why it is being bounced. How do I obtain this info? Can the header details be logged in cloudwatch somewhere?

asked 10 months ago246 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


How about setting up Amazon SES to notify you when a bounce occurs?

The content of the notification includes a field called "bounceType", so you may be able to determine what caused it from there.

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • This worked! Receiving the SES notification via SNS provided me with the reason for the bounce which i was then able to fix! Thanks for the guidance!

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