Issues with Installing MarkLogic on RHEL EC2(Amazon Linux) Instance - Failed Dependencies


Hello everyone,

I am trying to install MarkLogic 11.2.0 on my RHEL-based EC2 instance using the following command:

sudo rpm -ivh MarkLogic-11.2.0-rhel.x86_64.rpm

Even tried so that it could download all the dependency on its own:

sudo yum -y install MarkLogic-11.2.0-rhel.x86_64.rpm
sudo dnf install MarkLogic-11.2.0-rhel.x86_64.rpm

However, I am encountering the following error related to failed dependencies:

error: Failed dependencies:
    gdb is needed by MarkLogic-11.2.0-rhel.x86_64 is needed by MarkLogic-11.2.0-rhel.x86_64
    lsb-core-amd64 is needed by MarkLogic-11.2.0-rhel.x86_64

The main issue is the lsb-core-amd64 dependency, which I am not able to download to my EC2. I have tried several solution provided by GPT but none are working and there is little to no support online as no one seem to have encountered this issue.

Can anyone guide me on how to resolve these dependency issues? Any help or pointers to relevant documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

asked 4 months ago472 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Is it RHEL or Amazon Linux that is running on the EC2?

if it's RHEL then according to version 11.x is supported on RHEL 7 & 8 but not 9, and there's no mention of support on Amazon Linux.

This link for RHEL 7 and this link for RHEL 8 describes that lsb-core-amd64 is in the redhat-lsb-core package.

As per Red Hat this isn't available in RHEL 9 but there is a lsb-release package in the EPEL repository, which may help.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • Thank you for your response!

    I was actually using Amazon Linux 2023 on my EC2 instance. I tried using Amazon Linux 2 because it supports MarkLogic 10 and 11 according to the support-matrix link.

    The issue is with lsb_release not being made available for newer Amazon 2023.

    I am now able to install Marklogic. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction!

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