connecting AWS OpenSearch(not dashboard) programmatically from local machine using NGINX


How do I connect to AWS OpenSearch which is in VPC programmatically from local machine using NGINX in port forwarding setup

asked a year ago527 views
1 Answer

Set Up an EC2 Instance in the Same VPC as the OpenSearch Cluster:

Launch an EC2 instance in the same VPC where your OpenSearch cluster resides. Ensure that the security group associated with the EC2 instance allows inbound traffic on the desired port(s) for OpenSearch. Install NGINX on the EC2 Instance:

SSH into the EC2 instance. Install NGINX using the package manager appropriate for your operating system (e.g., apt-get for Ubuntu, yum for Amazon Linux). Configure NGINX for Port Forwarding:

Edit the NGINX configuration file (typically located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) to set up port forwarding. Add a new server block to listen on a specific port (e.g., 9200) and forward traffic to the OpenSearch cluster's endpoint within the VPC. Here's an example of a simple NGINX configuration for port forwarding: nginx

server {
    listen 9200;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://<OpenSearch-cluster-endpoint>:9200;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

Replace <OpenSearch-cluster-endpoint> with the actual endpoint of your OpenSearch cluster within the VPC.

Restart NGINX:

After making changes to the NGINX configuration file, restart NGINX to apply the changes. Access OpenSearch from Your Local Machine:

Now, you should be able to access the OpenSearch cluster from your local machine by connecting to the EC2 instance's public IP address or DNS name on port 9200 (or the port you configured in NGINX). Please note that you'll need to ensure that the EC2 instance's security group allows inbound traffic on the port you're using for port forwarding (9200 in this example). Additionally, make sure that the OpenSearch cluster's security group allows inbound traffic from the EC2 instance's security group on the port used by OpenSearch (typically 9200).

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answered a year ago

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