Instance reachability check failed


My instance which was working for several years is unable to load today and says "Instance reachability check failed Check failure at 2022/10/10 18:45 GMT+5 (19 minutes)".

It is c6i.2xlarge type of instance running Windows.

I tried to reboot instance several times and stpped and started it but that did not solve the issue. I checked the logs but those are completely empty.

I have also open a ticket 10972555931

Please help!

asked 2 years ago426 views
1 Answer
  • Screenshot simply shows some issues with network, see this:

    Tried EC2 rescue and it did not detect anything serious on volume as seen here:

    I grabbed logs through EC2 rescue but that did not show anything serious either.

    After completing all steps of EC2 rescue, I attached volume back to original machine, but it still says the same " Instance reachability check failed, Check failure at 2022/10/10 21:19 GMT+5 (22 minutes)"

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