AWS IoT Core - CoDevelopment Europe - China


Hi AWS Team, We have a project where we would like to use the AWS IoT Core functions. The code is co-developed in Switzerland and China. The gathered data should be hosed in Europe. Now, is there any limitation or special setting we have to make to access AWS IoT Core functions from Beijing and Switzerland in parallel? Kind regards, Christian

asked 10 months ago206 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, The IoT devices are deployed in Switzerland and Beijing Regions? If this is the case, you will need to use IoT core in Chine Region for the China IoT devices and IoT Core in Switzerland (or Europe Region). Take in consideration that account permissions for AWS Global Regions are different from account permissions for China Region and there is no interconnections between Global Regions and China Region. Please refer to this blog for more details about China Region operation: If only the development team is in China, and you only need then to access the environment deployed in Europe (IoT Core functions), as long as they have internet reachibility to the Region (outside china) where IoT Core is deploy and all IAM users, policies, they will be able to login.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

Hi Arifc Thanks for your answer. So, then we should not face an issue. Only the development team is located in China, the application is always in Europe. Regards

answered 10 months ago

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