ecs service was unable to place a task because your account is currently blocked


I created ecs and service, and in the event tab, I could see the following phrase. (fargate)

"service xxxx was unable to place a task because your account is currently blocked."

It's the first time I've seen this phrase, and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

  • Is this a brand new account? There is some delay for fraud prevention before you can deploy services into your account. It is usually only a few hours and they will contact you if there are questions.

3 Answers

My account has been running Fargate ECS task for months. All of sudden, I noticed that site is down. Upon checking my AWS account, I saw that no fargate task was running. I tried to start a task manually but kept getting:

"service xxxx was unable to place a task because your account is currently blocked."

I do not know that quota I need to check. There are many quota settings.

Moreover, the button to request a quota increase is grayed out for me. I can NOT click that button.


answered 2 years ago

Hello There,

In case if service was working earlier and suddenly started showing this error, do check your registered email with aws account if there is a communication about the reason for account being blocked, sometimes it is done for safety and fraud prevention.

To resolve this issue, contact AWS Support by opening a case under "Account and billing" and AWS Support will guide you with unblocking your account.

answered 9 months ago

Is it possible you got past your tasks applied quota? As a quick troubleshooting effort i'd check the Fargate service quota in the console.

answered 2 years ago

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