New Global AWS Data Processing Addendum for GDPR


I'm asking about Data Processing Agreement between AWS and our company for GDPR. AWS is saying as below about DPA. Where can I find DPA with AWS? If I cannot find the DPA, we don't need to contract with AWS? Is this automatically done without any action by me if I am an AWS user?

If you have signed a copy of the previous AWS General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) DPA, then you do not need to take any action and can continue to rely on that addendum to satisfy data processing requirements.

asked a month ago62 views
1 Answer


You have here an example of such manually signed DPA:

If you don't find such a document in your company archives, I would suggest to get in touch with your AWS Account team to ask them if your company has signed such doc and provide a copy if it has been signed,



profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Thank you so much Didier. I'll contact the Account team.

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