Comprehend output file (.out) cannot be copied to another bucket using S3 console - error invalid arn <region>


I've generated 2 output files so far using Comprehend start-pii-entities-detection-job and both of them are not able to be copied to another bucket using the S3 console but I can copy them using the CLI. I am copying from one region to another if that matters. What am I doing wrong here? error screenshot

asked 2 years ago318 views
1 Answer


It's possible that the issue you are experiencing is related to cross-region copying. By default, the S3 console does not support copying objects between regions. However, you can enable this feature by selecting the "Copy objects across accounts or regions" option in the S3 console.

If it does not resolve your issue, it's possible that there is a permissions issue preventing you from copying the files using the S3 console. Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to access the source and target buckets. You may also need to check the permissions on the objects themselves to ensure that they can be copied.

Alternatively, you can continue using the AWS CLI to copy the files between regions. This should work as long as you have the necessary permissions to access both the source and target buckets.

You may also refer official s3 documents and posts.

Hope it works.

answered a year ago

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