Instance Reachability Check Failed


I have been running a Windows 2012 instance for some time. I stopped the instance, enlarged the boot drive, and restarted the instance; I now get an Instance Reachability Check failure.

I also tried restarting a second instance created from a snapshot several months ago that had worked fine; it also says Instance Reachability Check failure.

What might be the problem?

asked a year ago447 views
2 Answers


Please create an EC2 rescue instance and check the event log of the Windows instance to which you cannot connect.

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answered a year ago

Thank you for the recommendations.

AWS Technical Support was extremely helpful. This was a Server 2012 instance which had not been rebooted for an extremely long time and did not have current drivers. Therefore the attempted restart after enlarging the boot drive failed.

Additional details here:

answered a year ago

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