Run post-processing host code in parallel with F1 kernel


I have an application that needs some serious post-processing of the data output from a kernel running on the F1.
By breaking the data that needs to be processed into blocks, I want to run the post-processing host code in parallel with the kernel. (ie while kernel is working on block k, the host post-processing code is working on block k-1).
I have tried to implement this following the overlap_c example, however, from inserting timers in the code I only see serial operation of the post-processing code (although the IO overlaps with the kernel execution).
Can anyone point me to an example, as this must be a common problem?

Also, I can write the post-processing code as a (software) OpenCL kernel. Could I run hardware kernel(on the F1) and software kernel(on the vCPUs) , in Vitis, with the kernels communicating over streams?

asked 4 years ago365 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


The overlap_c example shows how to overlap multiple requests from the host to the FPGA. This is expained in the header of the source code:

If you are looking to overlap computation on the host and computation on the FPGa, a better example to look at would be this Lab:
Part 2, Step 4 is where you will see a specific example of this. But I recommend that you start reading from the beginning of the lab.

answered 4 years ago

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