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Windows Server RDP error



I am working on a class for cloud security and I am trying to get a Windows Server 2016 EC2 up and running. I have no issues getting the instance built, but I am unable to log in via RDP. When I download the RDP file and try connecting, get an error after providing the username and password from my AWS console I get a CredSSP error. I have tried forcing my local system to be vulnerable using GPO settings to bypass this error but I am still unable to RDP into my server.

Any help would be appreciated.


asked 3 years ago597 views
1 Answer

I was able to work around this issue; by using a Linux client I was able to RDP into my server. The issue stems from the fact that Network Level Authentication is enabled by default and that is where the CredSSP error is. Once I got in on Linux I was able to disable NLA and I can get in using a Windows RDP client.

answered 3 years ago

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