Spam complaints ONLY from Yahoo


Hi there,I recently moved from another platform (MailerLite) to Amazon SES for sending both transaction and marketing emails. I have around 25,000 subscribers and all of these subscribers have opted in. After switching to SES I have noticed an unusually high spam rate for ONLY Yahoo emails. I am assuming this is some kind of automated spam complaint since I have consent from my subscribers. Yahoo represents only a small % of the subscribers, so it does not appear to be legitimate user-initiated spam complaints. No spam complaints from gmail (majority of my subscribers) or other platforms, only yahoo. With my previous platform my overall spam rate was around 0.01%. With Amazon it's 0.4%. My domain is with custom MAIL FROM domain I believe have done all the domain verification steps. New to SES so appreciate any help. Let me know if any additional details are needed.

asked 19 days ago107 views
2 Answers
  • I recommened that you publish a Valid SPF Record
  • And also Enable your DMARC Policy for your domain
  • Finally also enable DKIM signing to cover all bases

Similar to what Google are enforcing

profile picture
answered 19 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 19 days ago

Thanks, I had SPF and DMARC policy for the MAIL FROM domain, but now also added the same for the main domain Will see if that resolves it. I had assumed I should only do this for the MAIL FROM sub domain. It still strange (based on my limited knowledge) that this is only a problem for Yahoo and not any other emails. Thanks for your help.

answered 19 days ago

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