Athena | Cross Account Access to Connector


I am trying to run a cross-account Athena query :

  1. I can list thedefault catalog ARN ""glue:arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:999999999999:catalog" fine (
  2. I am unclear how to reference other connector catalogs
  3. Standard presto "show catalogs" doesn't work

How do I reference and query a catalog cross account. Note the second catalog is a connector (hive) from the athena.

asked 2 years ago532 views
1 Answer

Hello AK47,

Please see my answers below:

  1. The doc you shared is for Glue data catalog only, not including other data catalogs such as a hive metastore.

  2. If you would like to query a Hive metastore from another account, you would need to set up Cross Account Lambda Invocation and also provide cross-account access to data. The steps to be followed are listed here:

  3. Athena supports some, but not all, Presto and Trino functions and features. If you would like to list the catalogs in a programmatic way, you may consider using AWS cil

aws athena list-data-catalogs

or boto3.

answered 2 years ago

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