How to activate License Free passive secondary failover instance of SQL Server 2019/2022 in AWS RDS for Custom?


Microsoft has made SQL Server 2019/2022 license free if they are designated as passive, secondary failover instance (not receiving any application read/write workload).

Amazon AWS allows bringing media of SQL Server to AWS RDS for Custom as mentioned in this announcement

How can we create Multi-AZ AWS RDS for Custom SQL Server 2019 without paying SQL Server license cost on passive, secondary, failover instance?

1 Answer

There are 2 ways to license SQL Server on RDS Custom for SQL Server: License Included, or Bring-Your-Own-Media.

For Bring-Your-Own-Media, you provide your own installation media and license, which you can use in accordance to Microsoft terms. The License Mobility Page offers detailed information on the process. Because RDS Custom's Multi-AZ secondary instance is a passive node, it qualifies as a passive, secondary failover instance.

Documentation on the Multi-AZ deployment model for RDS Custom for SQL Server can be found here.

For a blog on getting started, step by step with BYOM, click here.

answered a year ago

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