What is the difference between AWS WorkSpace and EC2 ?


Hi To all ! I have a question about my AWS WorkSpace...

For several years I have been using AWS WorkSpace... to a fixed monthly price(no hourly pay) of 50$/month... And also, few years ago, I activated a few things to connect with RDP to my WorkSpace.

But when i check my billing... i saw 2 differents fees... One for my WorkSpace (50$) and another hourly pay (EC2)...

Quickly I would say that I do not use EC2... but does EC2 have a link with my WorkSpace? Can i cancel EC2 fees and be able to connect with RDP to my workspace ?

What is the difference between AWS WorkSpace and EC2 ?

Thanks so much !

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1 Answer

AWS WorkSpaces is a managed service for virtual desktops, designed to provide customized desktop encounters to end-users. Amazon EC2 is focused on delivering scalable cloud-based computing resources for running applications and handling various computational workloads.

Both are having different use-cases and purpose and also if you want self managed or AWS managed.

AWS WorkSpaces operates using Amazon EC2 as its underlying infrastructure. When you initiate an AWS WorkSpace, it utilizes Amazon EC2 instances https://aws.amazon.com/workspaces/pricing/

You can use this tool https://calculator.aws/#/ by selecting the service you want with specifications and generate the estimate

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Hi ! Thanks so much!

    But... if i only want my workspace... do i need EC2 ? I mean, i want to only use my WorkSpace.. and connect to it with RDP! So Is EC2 needed ?

    Thanks so much ! Have a great day !

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