How does it work differently per target group?


Hello? Experts

As I know, NLB has two different target group as below;

instance The targets are specified by instance ID.

ip The targets are specified by IP address.

Q1) Does backend instances will establish connection with client ip address when target group is instance?

Q2) Does backed instances will establish connection with NLB private ip address when target group is ip?

Q3) If Q1 & Q2 are right, why it connects differently base on target group?

asked 6 years ago821 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Q1: If you specify targets using an instance ID, the source IP addresses of the clients are preserved and provided to your applications. Q2) If you specify targets by IP address, the source IP addresses are the private IP addresses of the NLB nodes. If you need the IP addresses of the clients, enable Proxy Protocol and get the client IP addresses from the Proxy Protocol header. Q3) different target groups for different types of requests

answered 6 years ago

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