CloudFront function not executed when response is delivered via HTTP3


I have a CloudFront function that sets the cache control and strict transport security headers. It works when the response is delivered via HTTP1 and 2 but since I enabled HTTP3 both chrome and Firefox report that the headers I was expecting are not present in the response.

Here's my infrastructure as code. Here's the test procedure

Is here the right place to report this bug?

asked 2 years ago352 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

In my tests I can see headers being added by CloudFront function even after upgrade to HTTP3, so it requires more deep investigation why it doesn't work for you. I'd suggest to create a Support ticket. However, I would also suggest to consider using Response Headers With this feature you don't need to use CloudFront Functions to insert headers such as Cache-Control and Strict-Transport-Security in the response.

answered 2 years ago
  • My latest test also worked. It must be fixed recently. Thanks for the hints about response headers

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