did not see ipv4 ip address charge in N. Virginia Region EC2 Instances


i usually launch instance in Mumbai India but few days back i tried to launch in N. Virginia region and after 2 days i checked the bill and saw the ec2 billing but did not see ip address charge in specifically N.Virginia whereas i saw ip address charge in mumbai. aws ip address charge related

is the ip address in N.Virginia included in instance price or it is a billing error?

asked a month ago51 views
2 Answers


I think that even if you are using the Northern Virginia region, the charge for public IPv4 addresses will be listed in the VPC item.
Did you use public IPv4 addresses in the Northern Virginia region?
It's also possible that it just takes a while for it to appear on your bill.

In what AWS locations does public IPv4 address pricing apply?
In-use and idle public IPv4 address pricing applies across all AWS commercial, US GovCloud, and AWS China regions, and AWS Local Zones.

If you believe this is a billing error, we recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

i contacted them and the support aren't able to answer the question and i don't know if its ok to let it go.

also to answer your question, i did attached the IPv4 via aws ec2 launch auto assign ip address. but the only thing i did not do is to access the server via ip address, i just had to do some tests so i launched the ec2 for 1 hour and then deleted it.

answered a month ago

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