When do you upgrade RDS machine size?


I am running a MySQL db.t2.micro for a production web application.

According to CloudWatch:

  • The CPU Utilization varies between 6% and 20 % over a week (mostly around 6%).
  • The RDS Free Storage is more or less constant at 103G
  • The RDS Freeable Memory varies between 50M and 90M over a week

I can see that the storage for db.t2.micro is 100 GiB. Can I measure in CloudWatch how much of that I am taking up?

When should I think about upgrading the machine size?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, as you noted there is a CW Metric for Free Storage which tells you how much of your 100GiB isn't used. You can tell RDS to automatically increase storage as needed or do it manually. I'm not sure what you mean by "103G" though.

Your CPU usage is fine but Freeable Memory looks low. Whether it's too low or not and a size increase is needed depends on how confident you are about ongoing consistency of your workload. If number of connections ramps up you could have troubles with the current size.

answered a year ago

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