how to create chime room from bulk list of attendees


Hi team, in the past there was functionality in chime where we could paste list of emails into "Add members" field and then provided all emails were correct these were bulk added to Chime room.

Now only one login/email at a time can be added making process of creating chime room with group of attendees tedious.

Q1: Is there a quick way how to add large group of attendees to a Chime room (either into existing or new chime room) ?

Q2: Can creation of chime room be automated from Outlook/Asana/Quip?

asked a year ago340 views
1 Answer


For Q2 there is the Outlook Add-In that can help with the creation of the room and you can add a list of members that way. [1]

References: [1] Outlook:

answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed 10 months ago
  • yes this would create Chime room fairly easily, but from what I understand, the chime room created this way (via Outlook Chime meeting) is temporary, once meeting is over the Chime room closes as well.

    Is there a way to make the Chime meeting created room into static Chime chat room where members can communicate even after meeting is over?

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