AWS WebSocket and Lambda Authorizer issue


I am trying AWS WebSocket API and Lambda authorizer, I configured the authorizer for the connect route already which is triggered for connect too. However, in AWS console for the Lambda authorizer, I saw this error in its trigger(API Gateway) config: "The API with ID 7rypk365yl doesn’t include a route with path /* having an integration arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:370783930566:function:apigwLambdaAuthorizer."

For WebSocket API, I only need config the Lambda authorizer for the connect route? Above error feel like applies to REST/HTTP API only? Have I mixed up API Gateway v1 and v2 in some way? I did refer to some examples for REST/HTTP or the WebSocket document refers to REST one for common part.

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

This comment won’t solve your issue, but as per my experience, setting up web socket with an API GW is painful and too “brittle”.

Another option for websockets (used also in serverlesscoffee implementation) is IOTCore:

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answered a year ago

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