Access AWS Athena from lambda function in a VPC



I have a lambda function written in Python3.7 which will submit SQL to Athena using the boto3 library. If the lambda function is not in VPC, it works fine. But, if we attach the lambda function to a VPC, it will time out while submitting a query to Athena. We have a similar problem before with AWS system manager, which was solved by creating VPC endpoints. But VPC endpoints are not available for Athena. What should I do? Any help will be appreciated!

asked 5 years ago1099 views
2 Answers

The request to the athena api needs to route over the internet. You'll need a nat instance or nat gateway in your vpc to provide that route for the lambda.

answered 5 years ago

I see. Thank you for your reply, Ellison!
If anyone runs into a similar situation, this simple tutorial shows how to create a NAT gateway:
(The NAT gateway document on AWS is long and complicated for me.)

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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