Cross account athena based only on cross account IAM role Possible?


Hi, we have a situation where an application running in a k8 environment of a different account have to access the athena and the glue data catalog in a different account.

since these two accounts are managed in two different ecosystem. we are looking to make it easy for ourselves to access the athena and run query as a cross account IAM role we are aware of this but we are looking to see if this is even possible: details below

  1. An app runs in account A (k8 environ) using IRSA role A that will have a sts:assumeRole of Account B . role name is B Account B the role name B is created for trust policy with Account A and the policy allows athena and glue access (lets assume all permssions)
  2. The app creates a new AWS session using the new credentials and session token from the assumed AccountB-roleB, and calls Athena/Glue/S3 to do stuff while i haven't tried it yet. i just want to know if i am missing anything and worth trying it out. please provide why or whynot this is feasible with more material and pointers.


1 Answer


Please refer to the AWS Re:post article [1] on how to set up cross-account access to resources using IAM to assume role in another AWS account. You can also refer to our AWS Re:post article [2] on how to set up a cross-account AWS Glue Catalogs using catalog resource policies.



answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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