Error loading metadata using AWS SCT against an RDS SQL Server Instance


I am trying to use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool to convert a SQL Server instance running on RDS to Aurora MySQL. I have a large number of databases in the same SQL Server instance, and was able to successfully convert the schema for 5 of them. Then I attempted to use the "Refresh from Database" menu option for one of the databases and received an error stating

Metadata loading was interrupted because of data fetching issues. For details, see the log.

On checking the logs, I see the following error that is causing the issue:

Error executing 'load-script-object-ext-properties' query: Collection specified does not exist in metadata : 'sys'

Now I am unable to see the schema of any database on that server, and they ALL fail with the same issue.

I have tried creating a new SCT project, and using a different SQL login.

I am completely blocked at the moment, and not sure how to progress my migration.

2 Answers

Hi, Thank you for reaching out. Looking at the error from the log: its throwing a SQL Server exception listed here: This script "load-script-object-ext-properties” could be getting invoked by SCT menu "Refresh from Database”.

You can try to connect to SCT through master user of the SQL Server database and see if you are able to see the schemas of any database. In addition, if you have not already granted the permission required, please do so by repeating the grant for each database as mentioned here:

If the above does not help, as a test, please try to create a sample database and a table with master user of your RDS SQL Server instance and check if you are able to view the schemas then.

In order to further help you with this issue, we require details (such as complete log) that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using the following []

answered 3 years ago

Sometimes, a simple fix by DISCONNECTING from the SOURCE-database and creating a new SOURCE-Connection will fix such problems within SCT.

answered 3 years ago

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