Completed APT Update and Upgrade, rebooted VM and now no SSM and instance reachability check fails


HI All,

Completed OS patching on my ubuntu machines, rebooted them and now I have no SSM and instance reachability checks fail, these are in private subnets and I've tried to SSH with a jump box to no success

Any ideas how I can recover?


1 Answer

My first step would be to login via the serial connection in the console and determine status of the OS. Look for boot issue (Grub) or networking issue.

This should help you do so:

For recovery, if you are not able to fix an issue in the serial console, I would recommend creating an AMI from a previous snapshot of the instances and then launch a new instance from the AMI.

Hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago
  • Agreed on all this. If for any reason you cannot or don't want to recover from an AMI or don't have previous snapshots, you can create a new EC2 instance that you can make sure you have access to and then attach the EBS Volume from the blocked EC2 instance to that new one. With that you can access and review what might be wrong, even enable the SSM service if for any reason it's not starting on startup, detach the EBS, reattach to the initial instance and try again.

    This proposal is a lot more cumbersome so try first to see the machine is really booting and working as iBehr recommended.

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