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Active directory


Hello all, I have an AD on premises, lately we decided to move to AWS, What is the most suitable scenario to migrate ? its just one vm there is not even replication, so do you think i can move the whole VM to aws and run it as ec2 machine directly ? also how about profile directories do you recommend use EFS or S3 for it, finally about the DNS can i get AD dns running over route 53? thanks.

1 Answer

Hi There

It really depends on alot of factors like how many different applications you have using AD, how many regions you plan on using, etc. Take a look at this blog post for some general guidance about using your own AD in AWS.

If you want to have a simple active directory deployment in AWS you might consider using Managed AD, this way you do not have to worry about managing domain controller VM's and DNS anymore. Take a look at this blog post for a migration strategy

If you want to stick with self managing domain controllers on VMs, I would recommend having at least one additional DC running as an EC2 instance. You can spin up an EC2, install AD services, and promote it to a DC. I would not move the existing VM to an EC2 instance.

For user storage, you can stick with EBS volumes or you can use something like FSx for Windows (see this blog post)

Finally here is an article about integrating AD with ROute53 for DNS.

Overall, you should start simple. I gave you alot of information based on your questions but again, you might just want to start with a single additional DC running as an EC2 instance.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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