What decide possibility of Accelerated Transcoding



I am using acceleration feature and sometimes when I use accelerated transcode for the media around 30 sec I get 1042 error code and it says
'This job doesn't require enough processing power to benefit from accelerated transcoding. Consider using accelerated transcoding for jobs that would otherwise... '

I am wonder what factor decide the power of acclerated transcoding.
Is it the size of the media or duration of media...??

Is there any precise criteria of possibility of accelrated transcoding?


Edited by: Yejin on Apr 21, 2020 10:58 PM

asked 4 years ago393 views
1 Answer

Hi Yejin,

Enabling "Accelerated Transcoding" would increases the processing speed of file-based video encoding jobs by up to 25 times[1]. Hence, it would reduce the transcode time. For example, if you have a 2 hours long 4K movie content, enabling "Accelerated Transcoding" would highly reduce the transcode time.

Using "Accelerated Transcoding" with a 30 sec clip would not get any benefit. Besides, you would be charged with Professional Tier [2].

If you are not transcoding any of the following content, we suggest you not to use "Accelerated Transcoding"[3]

  • Ultra High Definition content
  • High dynamic range content in HEVC
  • Any long-duration, visually complex video



answered 4 years ago

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