Why am I being charged if I have deleted my databases?


Hello I am wondering why I am being charged for this even though I had already deleted my databases. Is this due to the fact I had 2 snapshots that had not been deleted?

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asked a year ago416 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You are correct that snapshots will have a cost even though the database has been deleted. This is to ensure you are able to re-deploy the database if you need to. You are free to delete the snapshots to remove the additional cost.

Here's some info on how to remove RDS snapshots - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_DeleteSnapshot.html

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thanks! I just want to make sure since I have now deleted my snapshots I will not be charged for this "$ 0.178 per RDS db.m6i.large Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL"?

  • The snapshot cost is not relevant to the $0.178 cost you're seeing as part of the db.m6i.large instance. If you're still seeing a cost for the db.m6i.large instance, it means you still have an RDS instance running and you need to terminate it. Make sure you check the Oregon region within the RDS console to ensure there are no instances running and all snapshots are deleted.

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