Does AWS SCT support RDS SQL Server?


Hi all, I'm wondering if AWS Schema Conversion Tool supports RDS for SQL Server Standard Edition as a source endpoint? The documentation says that it does not so wanted to check if anyone has tried this before? And what is the recommended target database engine to migrate to (RDS PostgreSQL or RDS MySQL) that will have the least amount of code refactoring?


2 Answers

Are you looking to migrate from SQL Server to PostgreSQL or MySQL? You can explore Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL.

With Babelfish, Aurora PostgreSQL now understands Microsoft SQL Server's T-SQL, and supports the same communications protocol, so your apps that were originally written for SQL Server can now work with Aurora with fewer code changes.

The blog Migrate from SQL Server to Amazon Aurora using Babelfish provides an overview of the migration steps. More information in documentation

Documentation Using Microsoft SQL Server as a source for AWS SCT list RDS SQL Server as one of the possible sources

answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

RDS SQL Server with standard edition is supported as source for AWS SCT. You can modernize the db objects using SCT to PostgreSQL. Documentation mentions about enterprise edition with respect to permissions to capture enterprise features enabled in source SQL Server.

answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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